by Steve M. Schlissel
Originally posted January 12, 2021
The BLM riots of 2020 resulted in far more fatalities, incalculably greater material consequences, they were far more widespread, terrorized geometrically greater numbers of Americans, and induced little more than a yawn and plea for sympathy from Number 46 (says he) and the Screaming Mimis. Not to mention, they were UNIFORMLY characterized in ALL MSM reporting as PEACEFUL AND were treated like fund raisers by corporate Amerika– to the tune of BILLIONS. But no one should imagine we have a two-track justice system here. It is only a matter of knowing what your victims might manage in the way of pushback, payback, and control. Get your protest close to a lawmaker and expect what in return? But then again, the outsized fuss over DC is rooted in ONE thing–political punishment of a particular person. My beloved fellow New Yorker. But how amazingly instructive it all is! Pity dems have not a working eye to see any of it.