by Steve M. Schlissel
Originally posted February 1, 2020
It is not often that hypocrisy of the sort now–today–at center stage, not often that it is put on display at all. Not often. For, I would venture, this is hypocrisy of a magnitude ordinarily visible only at the end of an age.
For that is when the sinful disposition of man is manifested in slow-brewed schemes, which grow in an accommodating, rather than a challenging environment. This provides an evil context for evil doings, all things on target for the sorts of sin that is rarely seen, because, when righteousness had a public seat, it would have a melting impact on the evil men dredged up and out into the public space. When evil is permitted to grow undisturbed, unchallenged, well, I think you will find you are surely at a civilization’s end. That is when the darnel shows itself for what it is, and the same is true for the wheat.
Those who call themselves “progressives”–I call them NYTwits, others call them Democrats– have brought a display of hypocrisy to the public that is of forest for the trees proportion. Listen. They are turning the nation upside down and sideways in order to achieve a purely political goal: the removal from office of the sitting President, or, minimally, the infliction of political disadvantage which could prove to be an insurmountable obstacle to his reelection later this year.
Their CLAIM is that the very effort to game someone into conducting an investigation of a political opponent–any action designed to get an investigation in gear which, no matter how seemingly warranted in other circumstances, yet, when found tied in to a plan to USE such an investigation for one’s own, or one’s party’s, gain— is an offense so grievous, unscrupulous and dangerous as to justify the instantaneous banishment of anyone from political office who would dare do it.
And what is the context within which this banishment is being sought. It is in the UMPTEENTH iteration of the activity to which the NYTwits have been entirely devoted since November 2016. They have NEVER STOPPED prompting investigations with the intent of removing an opponent from viability.
This is hypocrisy on a scale so grandiose, it requires a good bit of thought to bring for one’s own assessment the great number of considerations which serve to demonstrate, from every possible angle, that there is NOTHING but hypocrisy in this impeachment effort.